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Manually updating a plugin

If for some reason you can’t perform automatic updates through your WP Admin panel then you can manually update the plugin to the latest stable version by taking the following steps.

Download the latest stable version of the plugin by following the links in your purchase receipt (if paid plugin), or from the plugin page.

Using WP Admin & a plugin

  1. Install the Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin (free).
  2. Navigate to WP Admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload.
  3. Select “Yes” for the “Upgrade existing plugin?” option.
  4. Browse to the location of the plugin ZIP file on your computer and press “Upload”.

That’s it.

Using FTP

  1. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file somewhere on your computer.
  2. Connect to your web server over FTP and navigate to /wp-content/plugins/our-awesome-plugin/
  3. Replace all the files in this directory with the files from the downloaded ZIP file.

[alert type=”info” icon-size=”hide-icon”]Note : here our-awesome-plugin is a sample name. Don’t forget to consider your plugin’s name instead.[/alert]

By following any of these two methods to update a plugin, you will never lose any of your configuration settings. These methods can be used to update any plugins.

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