We are proud to announce that 404 to 301 is now fully WPML Compatible.
WPML stands for WordPress Multilingual and it is a plugin that can make your website multilingual. They currently power over ½ million websites and are the industry standard in allowing you to translate themes, plugins, theme options, posts, pages, widgets, custom post types and everything else on WordPress. On top of that, they have an amazing support forum.
Their plugin is very flexible with built functions. You can order custom translations from over 50 languages straight from the WordPress dashboard or from ICanLocalize.
In order to run 404 to 301 on a multilingual website, you will need to also purchase WPML by visiting http://wpml.org/purchase.
[alert type=”info” icon-size=”hide-icon”]Note: WPML compatibility was added from 404 to 301 version 3.0.0 only[/alert]
Now you may be wondering why you should make your website multilingual. One of the most critical factors that theme developers need to know is, the online community prefers to search for content in their native language. If we look at internet users by language there are 565 million English, 509 million Chinese, 164 million Spanish, and around 55-99 million for Japanese, Portuguese, German, Arabic, and French internet users.
Does your website have the keywords they are searching for in their language? When we look at the statistics of online users versus websites built in their language we see a disproportionately lower amount of content produced for various speakers than what is needed. We see about 58% of websites are built in English with the other top languages at less than 5% each. That means, when people search in their native language, it will not bring up a website if it is not multilingual. That means less traffic to a website, and less conversion rates.
Therefore the use of a multilingual website is key. But in order to produce great multilingual websites, we also need great multilingual themes and plugins that meet the needs of prospective clients in this growing eCommerce and globalised market. This is why 404 to 301 is now proud to be multilingual ready.
Be sure to pick up the WPML CMS Package by visiting http://wpml.org/purchase and our 404 to 301 v3.
Bhai thank you.
Therefore the use of a multilingual website is key. But in order to produce great multilingual websites, we also need great multilingual themes and plugins that meet the needs of prospective clients in this growing eCommerce and globalised market.